Friday, August 12, 2005

Praying Jew

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Marc Chagall


existentialist said...

Hi Ange, please do not take offense, but I am not entirely sure I like this painting. What is the background behind it?

voixd'ange said...

Marc Chagall was raised Hasidic. It portrays an orthodox Jew during prayer. It isn't meant to be disrespectful.

existentialist said...

I am sure it is not meant to be disrespectful, but it is disturbing. The face is distorted. It is beauty deformed. Do you know why he distorted the face? I appreciate you having an art forum on your blog. I might have to create another blog for works of art that inspire me to engage people in dialogue. I had a friend who was a monk who took his family to the Chagall exhibit when it was in town. I did not get to go, due to having a young daughter.

voixd'ange said...

That was just his style of painting.