Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Beautiful Death

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Aren't they pretty? For those of you who like me, lived very sheltered lives, and have no idea what these are, they are drug pipes. It is illegal to sell these in the retale market in the U.S., but many times stores get away with it by posting a sign that states, "For Tobacco use Only."
And who is one of the biggest manufacturers of these pipes, you might wonder? None other than Corningware. Yep, that's right. Corningware, the manufacturer of the quality casserrole dishes that have been featured at countless church pot lucks for decades...


Madcap said...

Checkmark in the "sheltered" box. What a strange twist in the Corningware corporation.

revhipchick said...

hmmm...very interesting. thanks for the info, i had wrongly assumed they were made by local "artists"--they are beautiful. yet another beautiful but deadly to add to your snake story!