Tuesday, August 09, 2005

False Mirror

The image “http://home.olemiss.edu/~djr/media/photos/moma-magritte-falsemirror10.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Rene Magritte


voixd'ange said...

This is just pure speculation, I have no idea what Magritte really meant when he entitled this painting. I think perhaps it could be about perception. You know the old Beauty is in the eye of the beholder thing? Being an old gal as 41, I feel that human beings pretty much see what they want to see, or what they are looking for, so our perception is in a large part tainted by our expectations, unless we are totally caught off guard...

existentialist said...

Excellent artist! Thank you! I love Magritte. Now I have been looking for the painting he did about the isolation of motherhood. Perhaps you can help me remember it if you know it? BTW who is that in your profile photograph? It is quite beautiful. I thought it was you but now I do not think so. I do not know.

existentialist said...

Oh BTW sorry to post twice, my priest said expectations are resentments under construction. I love that phrase.

voixd'ange said...

About the picture, Olympiada. Sorry you thought it was me. Nope, afraid not. I had my picture on my profile but changed it when I posted a link to my church. I didn't want too much personal information going out there.

existentialist said...

I hear you Ange - I changed my blog a lot, but I also am transparent, and real, so we do what we can. I guess you have not heard of that Magritte painting I am talking about then? Anyone else heard of it?