Okay, so the symphony is complete and its time to move on, at least for now. Don't guess there is any room for doubt about how I feel about the subject of War. I have decided to start regularly posting art, the main reason being that I love art, but don't know nearly as much about it as I would like to. If you are in the same boat, maybe we can learn something together. Please feel free to comment on the post.
White Crucifixion

Marc Chagall
White Crucifixion
Marc Chagall
I always find it interesting when someone not coming from a Christian perspective uses a Christian symbol like the crucifixion. Of course, I suppose it could be argued that it's as much a Jewish symbol as a Christian one, and it's certainly appropriate at the centre of a Holocaust scene. I love Chagall. I'm going to trot off and look him up again. I used to know more when I had a Jewish boyfriend, but that was a LONG time ago. Sunrise, sunset... ;)
Thanks MCM. Yes Chagall is peobably my fave ... at least today...
btw I deleted the previous comment because it was one of those auto generated comments like the one C. got on his blog. What is that about?
I believe that's blog-spam. Was it an "anonymous"? You can turn off the "accept anonymous comments" in your profile. (I think that's where it is.)Other than that, I don't know. Probably Blogger has something addressing it in their trouble-shooting section.
I knew that was a Chagall. And why do you like this one?
I like it for many reasons. one because I have had very close friends who are Jewish. Also I have read nearly every memoir I have ever found written by a holocaust victim, so the subject touches me deeply.
A - my dad's side of the family is Jewish, my great great grandfather was an Orthodox rabbi. My dad proudly wears a Star of David although he is agnostic and chose not to participate in his religion.
Did you get another one, Angevoix?
No, Olympiada posted twice. But I still haven't figured out how to block them.
Okay. On your blog, hit the "Blogger" tab, as if you wanted to make a new post. That takes you to your
-Select "Change Settings" (with a little cog icon beside it).
-Select "comments"
-Go to "Who can comment" and select "Only Registered Users."
And then it's republish or save or somesuch to activate it. Hope that works for you.
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