Friday, September 02, 2005

Dear Dr. King II

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Dear Dr. King,
I am an Asian boy and I like to read the news. But every time I look, it's one religion making war with another religion. There's "holy ground" filled with land mines and missile silos. The world is torn apart by prejudice that may lead to World War. Even in the United States, the land of the free, there is hate and segregation. If we had multiple ministers of peace like you the world would be a lot better place. I hope the world doesn't fall apart and instead joins hands in peaceful unity.
We're all hopeful,
John, age 11

Excerpt from "Dear Dr. King Letters from Today's Children to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."


jazztheo said...

This little 11 year old touches on 2 of MLK's triple evils...Didn't he say that he lived to do away with War, Racism & Poverty?

Lord, not much has changed, may thy kingdom come...

existentialist said...

I hope we can all become ministers of peace.

voixd'ange said...

Amen, amen Oly. The thing that touched me especially now abou this letter was the last line... We're all hopeful. Not much of that floatin around these days...