Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My Disclaimer

My home computer is down at present. Would appreciate your prayers as I am taking 12 credit hours of classes on line this quarter.


Madcap said...

That's a real crazy-maker! My computer was possessed by evil spirits for a time in July, and the exorcism resulted in a severe personality disorder, which eventually meant it needed a lobotomy and a new hard drive. I hope you get off a little easier than that and QUICKLY! We need you around here 24/7!

voixd'ange said...

Thank you MCM. Thanks some wonderful friends and my church family I have a lot of folks on the case. Right now I am working on the cutest little lap top loaned to me by a friend. Its quite a bit different than using my luxurious 20" monitor, but I am so not complaining at this point!!!!

revhipchick said...

you can count us in as a family keeping you and yours in our prayers! we know how crazy 12 hours can be on a family--yikes! lots of love, hugs, and good vibes!

voixd'ange said...

Thank You HCP, this has been an incredibly stressful week for me.