Thursday, September 01, 2005

No Ways Tired

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"Despite the challenges presented by the widespread trivialization and dilution of the Christian Gospel, I remain committed to its fundamental claim: To follow Jesus [or to agree, even as an atheist, with the ethics of the Gospels,] is to love your way through the darkness of the world. This love appears absurd -- in fact pure folly in the face of much of the world’s misery -- and yet it yields indescribable levels of sorrow and joy, sadness and ecstasy. To be a Christian is to look at the world through the lens of the cross and thereby to keep one’s focus on human suffering and struggle."

The Cornel West Reader, p. 355


jazztheo said...

Oh, to see the cross of Christ not just as our personal salvific symbol but as a way of life...

"The contemporary American church is so largely enculturated to the American ethos of consumerism that it has little power to believe or to act." Walter Brueggemann

voixd'ange said...


jazztheo said...

Unbuntu, we need, Unbuntu!

angevoix, this is theophilus, i'm making some changes to my blog.

Constantine said...

Brueggemann--a helluva theologian. He certainly convicts.