Wednesday, November 02, 2005

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When I was a teenager I loved reading Ray Bradbury. I had actually forgotten about his work until just recently. I ordered this book on and began reading it almost the minute it got here. I couldn't put it down. It was even more thrilling than I remembered it. If you haven't read " The Martian Chronicles", you don't know what you are missing. For all of you Star Wars fans, he was the original. He was the best. I highly recommend this book.


Madcap said...

Did you ever read his "Dandelion Wine"? It was entirely different, but an excellent read, too.

voixd'ange said...

I started it just recently. I will have to pick it back up now. Thanks for the reminder.

Constantine said...

I’ll have to check it out. I like “Something Wicked This Way Comes” and of course, having the pseudo-libertarian bent I do, “Fahrenheit 451” is amazing. I don’t like anyone trying to restrict my thoughts ya know. He can paint a scary picture with his words to be sure.

dwg said...

A new blog to me. . . I’ve read a few of your posts and am looking forward to reading more. Thank for sharing your thoughts.

voixd'ange said...

Thank you Christopher. I was posting more frequently, but I just moved and am in school right now as well as working full time, so it has slowed me down a bit.