Tuesday, December 06, 2005

To Tree or not to Tree

The image “http://www.olmstedcommunitychurch.org/Pictures/Christmas/Christmas_2002_tree.JPG” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

This is my oldest son's first year at college. Recently there was a big debate in his dorm about putting up a Christmas tree. Some of the students felt it wouldn't be "inclusive" to put up a tree. My son's response?
"If anyone doesn't like Christmas they can go to hell! Why would you come to a Catholic university and bitch about the policies?"

You go Abe. Take a stand for Christ.

The apple doesn't roll far from the tree. . .


Dan Trabue said...

Or the pine cone, in this case...

Constantine said...

I like your son.

voixd'ange said...

Me too.

Madcap said...

At a Catholic college? That's kinda funny. I'm with him.

I have a friend who was hired on by a Catholic college (I think it was in Michigan) to increase the Catholic presence. At that point, 70% of the student body was Muslim! At a Catholic college! Go figure.