Saturday, January 25, 2020

"I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know--God knows." Apostle Paul    

 I started meditating. Metta. It is fabulous. People who are unaware of my spiritual transformation might be surprised. Worried even. I come from a religious background that does not approve of such goings on. I come from a religious background of hellfire and brimstone, punishment. Meditation was for hell bound hippies and what not. It was right up there with witchcraft, voodoo and devil worship.     

But something happened to me a few years back. As bizarre as it may sound, I started driving for Uber. I did over 3000 rides. And somewhere along the way I fell in love . . . with people. And then I fell in love with me. I saw the face of God in the being's He created in his own image and likeness, and I came to know his loving embrace. When that happen all thoughts a fear of hell disappeared. I can no longer believe for even a moment that people go there.

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